Haha... I guess many have already predicted what happens next... Allow me to talk about something else first before I continue...
Went for IPPT this morning, quite a scary experience since I did not train much... It has been at least 6 months since I've ran...I did a short training 3 days back: minimal amounts of weights then a sustained sprint of 800m... Still, I was aiming to get silver...
Static stations was easy, though I couldn't do 10 chin ups anymore... Damn... When I did the 10th one, the Physical Training Instructor (PTI) in front of me counted it, then another one from beside him said, "Last one no count, 9..." ARGH!!! I wanted to throw my shoe at him but my shoe was tied too tightly, he was lucky... Was quite demoralised after that... Had to do better at the other stations to cover up...
Last station, 2.4km run, the one everyone is afraid of... Timing for silver award is 11:40 mins or below, my timing last year was 11:30 mins; too close for comfort... Worse part is I was fitter last year, someone even commented that I reminded him of a PTI... Oh, and I forgot to bring my watch, double whammy...
Went around asking people's timing, finally found one who is also 11 minutes plus... Better still, he is several slots in front of me so I start 20 seconds later than him... If I pass through the finish line with him, I'll be getting 20 seconds lesser than him... That would definately get me that silver, IF he really is an 11 minutes runnner... And the results...
$200 birthday present from the government...
I passed the guy but didn't slow down and sprinted towards the finish line, afraid that I wouldn't meet the timing... Ha!!! Was so happy when I saw the clock, 11:01!!! That's my personal best record!!! That guy got 11:25, a silver timing runner just as he said he was...
Since my birthday is this coming Wednesday, I could go for another IPPT next Saturday!!! Haha... Another $200 maybe? I wonder if my muscles would recover by then, though I'm not feeling anything now...
OK now, back to the ghost story...
There isn't any!!! If there is, it was probably some insects in my hair... I didn't brush them off though, what if it was a hand instead?!? Well, nothing interesting happened afterwards... Heh heh... Waited so long for one paragraph of nothing...