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Wednesday, 27 December 2006


New year resolutions: to make a better New Year resolution this year...

I'm sure there are many people that makes the above resolution, or maybe even "to achieve my New Year resolutions this year"... What's the point of making such resolutions when you know that you would not carry them out? To give yourself a target so that you have something to remind yourself of? Or is it just to bluff yourself that you've made such a resolution and you'll probably achieve it, thereby making yourself feel better (or rather less guilty of the things you have not done)... I know its too early to be posting this, but I want to type this all out while I still have it in my mind...

If there is something you want done, just go and do it... There is no need to wait until the very last minutes of the year to decide what you want to do... Maybe you have too many things you want to do so you have to list them down... But I'm sure you can do that on any other day...

News Flash!!! The reason for New Year resolutions just came into my mind, its like my left brain just talked to my right brain...

Making New Year resolutions is a way to reflect back on what you have done and not done in the previous year... It makes you think about what you'll want to achieve in the coming year...

Well then, problem solved... Hope all of you make resolutions that you can and will achieve... Happy Holidays...

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